Success Unlimited
"Success Unlimited, Inc is a private non-profit organization dedicated to the provision of vocational and residential services for persons with disabilities who have a desire to maximize their income and independence through employment and independent living and have demonstrated need for professional assistance to achieve this outcome."

The mission of Success Unlimited is to maximize the independence of people with disabilities who live and work in their community. It is the responsibility of Success Unlimited personnel to provide the necessary supports and guidance to ensure consumers have a thorough understanding of their rights and the corresponding responsibilities. Training will be provided for Success Unlimited, Inc. employees utilizing the Bill of Rights & The Universal Declaration of Human rights as reference guides. Staff will assist where help is needed in exercising individual rights, while respecting the rights of others. Restrictions to rights must have the consent of the individual and/or team members in instances where individuals need assistance with decision making. A plan to decrease and/or remove these restrictions should be incorporated into each individual's program plan.